Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Personal Trainer Careers May Be the Next Big Career Trend

Socializing instead of sweating - When you get distracted by a long conversation, you may not move as much or lift the weights as hard as you would otherwise. Personal trainers exist to make you question if H&$! is more pleasant than your gym time.

Following the same old routine - You hit the gym on autopilot. Enough activity to keep your heart healthy but not gain any muscle or lose much more weight beyond a certain point.

Incorrectly using the equipment - Take it from someone with an alphabet soup of health problems... This is bad!

At one point I had actually considered becoming a Personal Trainer, than I decided I loved my chocolate Zingers, Chai Lattes, work free weekends and laziness way too much. But for others who can maintain the image that people think Personal Trainers should look like (lean and all muscle) than being a personal trainer is an ideal career for you.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, fitness & Health trainers / coaches, government economists expect jobs in fitness training, health coaches and a variety of aerobics instruction to grow much faster than the average for all careers through 2014. However, many people have to start with part-time jobs. The greater variety of skills you have, the better your chances of making a living in this field.

In addition, businesses are waking up to the fact that reshaping the fitness of their employees can shave off thousands of dollar pounds off their Worker's Compensation expenses.

Health troubles arising from obesity alone are estimated to cost U.S. companies $117 billion a year, according to a report by former Surgeon General, David Satcher. With Worker's Compensation medical bills soaring, more corporations are swapping their 'After Care' health insurance policies for proactive programs that promote fitness and health to staff. Yet the majority of corporate health budgets are still devoted to treating the effects of our inactive office-bound lifestyles and not the cause of the problem.

Public health experts agree that a more physically fit population would lower health care costs, reduce governmental spending, resulting in fewer illnesses and improve worker productivity. At some point within the 2007 calendar year, congress may approve the Workplace Health Improvement Program»» - The Whip Act (insert joke here) would exempt a company's contributions for the costs of fitness center membership fees from an employee's income tax.

Current tax law requires employees to pay income tax on any fitness center membership benefit they provide to an employee. The WHIP Act would exempt a company from paying that tax, helping many smaller businesses who would like to offer the benefits to they're employees. It also would be an important step in encouraging people to take on a more healthily lifestyle.

If the bill H.R.1634»» passes, the career opportunities for personal trainers will greatly increase and produce a new search for professionals to fill the jobs and career openings. Not only at gyms, but in a variety of health and physical activity related businesses.

These could include:

* Recreation Leaders
* Recreation Supervisors
* Directors of Recreation and Parks
* Camp Counselors (kids and adults - summer, school and personal vacations)
* Fitness Trainers
* Personal Trainers
* Aerobics / Activity instructors
* Health Coaches

As people spend more time and money on fitness and recreation, and as businesses increasingly offer wellness, fitness, and recreation programs to their employees, job availability for health related fitness careers is going to increase.