Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Student Loan Consolidation Programs - How To Take Advantage of Debt Consolidation

The primary factor to keep in mind regarding a student loan is that it is not a determent or expense but rather an investment, for yourself. When you finish your college education, it will lead you to a satisfying job and more earnings during the course of your career.
The primary factor to keep in mind regarding a student loan is that it is not a determent or expense but rather an investment, for yourself. When you finish your college education, it will lead you to a satisfying job and more earnings during the course of your career.

Never let the weights of your student loans influence your credit. Take into consideration of consolidating your loans so it will be easier for you to pay them back.

A student consolidation loan program permits students to join together all unsettled and unpaid loans. For instance, when a certain student has four separate or individual loans, all can be consolidated into just one loan, if the student chooses to. Theoretically, all four loans will be regarded as paid and another loan will begin as replacement.

3 Benefits of Student Loan Consolidation Programs1. It is simple and convenient. When you have multiple loans, this means making several monthly payments; with this comes a lot of paperwork as well as keeping track of a lot of different due dates. With a student loan consolidation, there will only be one loan payment every month, making it more manageable.

2. Students can save money. For instance, a student having four unsettled loans can be obliged to pay $150 every month to all four lenders, which will amount to a total of $600 every month. After consolidation however, you are only required a single payment each month which will be of a lesser amount compared to all four payments combined. This can be an enormous saving for such students just starting on their jobs and do not have yet the wages or earnings needed to pay such a large amount of loan immediately.

3. It can open up added opportunities. Students can be granted deferment options as well as extra repayment chances. This additional flexibility may be beneficial for certain students wanting to continue or resume their schooling further, striving to locate employment or going through financial difficulty.

Check before getting a student consolidation loan rate and plan of payment.

The most evident way to acquiring the best student consolidation loan payment and rates is by possessing good credit. It will be easy to acquire an excellent student consolidation loan plan if one has a credit score more than 660 (FICO score). However, there are also a lot of ways to acquire the best student consolidation loan payment plans and rates.

A quick Internet search and examination on credit scores and FICO is needed in order for you to learn and get the information necessary so you can analyze your credit score.

Being aware of your credit history is one way to check your chances of acquiring the best student consolidation loan rates. Regularly examining records or documents of your finances is one good habit and can be of great help to determine your "student-loan-worthiness.

"Student loan consolidation rates and programs can differ from one person to another. The rates being offered are based on one’s financial standing and credit. Generally, if one has a FICO score of 600 or less, getting a suitable student consolidation loan rate and proposal can be a challenge.

Always take into consideration the outlay.

Remember too, that even if consolidation can make loan repayment easier and decrease your payment each month, it can also indicate an increase in the total outlay of paying back your loans. Consolidation offers lesser amount in monthly payments by granting borrowers a maximum of thirty years to pay back their loans; you create a lot of payments as well as pay extra in interest.

In fact, there are situations wherein consolidation doubles the total interest cost; so if you don't really require monthly payment assistance, you must evaluate the cost of paying back your loans which where unconsolidated in contrast to the cost of paying back a loan consolidation.

Note that the moment you consolidate your student loans, they are all used up and you can never go back. With the fact that you can only consolidate only once, you have to be certain that it's the best and guaranteed financial attempt that you can generate before carrying on.


Dean Shainin is a consultant specializing in student loan consolidation. Get valuable resources, tools, information and more articles on student loan consolidation, visit this site: http://www.StudentLoanConsolidationTips.com

How to Get the Courage to Pursue Your Dream Career

Do you want to follow your bliss? Have you decided what your dream career is but you have fear about pursuing it? This article presents ideas, motivation, and strategies for going after your dream career and making it happen.

Congratulations. After much thought and research, you have discovered which career is right for you. The thought of it fills you with passion, enthusiasm, and inspiration. This career will give you the opportunity to use your favorite and best talents to make a great contribution. This is the type of work that Joseph Campbell referred to when he said, "Follow your bliss."

Ahead of the PackYou're ahead of many others who have not discovered their "bliss."

You feel grateful that you discovered your right livelihood, but now you face a dilemma. There are risks. Do you quit your present job or business and plunge ahead into your dream job or business? Will you be able to pay your bills? What will your family and friends think? Is this career practical?Heart and Mind ConflictYour heart says, "go for it." Another part of you is scared and urges caution. Fears you didn't know you had start appearing. You wonder, "What if I fail?" When you listen to your heart or that part of the mind that says, "go for your dreams," fears often come up. The self-preservation part of your mind raises concerns. Both parts of yourself are attempting to support you. Both parts need to be heard and considered. Before making your final decision, you may experience intense inner conflict between these parts of your mind.

You may feel like a war or boxing match is going on inside of you. I once experienced iiner conflict before leaving a secure job to start my own business. I had a steady salary, excellent benefits, and was less than three years from receiving a retirement pension. Some of my friends and family cautioned me against leaving my job to follow my dreams. I decided that leaving was best for me.

The Choice Is Yours to MakeI am sharing my experience to let you know that I have experienced this dilemma, not to influence you to do it the way I did. The ideal is to start a part-time business and build it before leaving your job, or to go from a job to a job. However, what is right for one may be wrong for another. Only you can decide when to leave your job and whether to do it slowly or quickly. It depends upon your personal makeup, circumstances, and finances.

Questions to ConsiderHow can you decide whether to pursue your passion? Here are some questions that can help.

1. What will be the costs for you and your loved ones if you don't pursue your dreams? What are the costs of leaving your current job or business?

2. What are the benefits of pursuing your passion? What benefits will you lose if you quit your present employment?

3. What if you fail? When you come to the end of your life, would you rather have tried and failed than to have never tried?

4. What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

5. How will you feel about yourself if you pursue this inner calling? What will your feelings of self-worth be if you don't try?Steps to Overcome FearAlso consider the following:

1. Begin moving toward your goal, no matter how slowly. Start it as a hobby, or as volunteer work, or part-time employment. Take the first step even if it's a small one. Emerson told us, "Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain." Action is powerful! According to Goethe, "Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace, and power in it."

2. Refllect on the lives of others who took the chanceFree Web Content, went for their dream job and succeeded.

3. Place inspiring quotations and pictures in your home and office.

4. Listen to CDS that lift your spirit and motivate you.

5. Look within yourself and decide how you want to spend the rest of your working life.

You were born for a purpose that you are worthy of fulfilling. The world needs your talents and contribution. I leave you with a powerful quote by Helen Keller that had a positive impact on me when I was battling the fear of following my passion. I hope it will inspire you to pursue your dreams. "The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse."


Career counselor, job placement specialist, trainer and owner of an executive search and recruiting business are all part of Raymond Gerson's experience. He is the author of five books including, How to Create the Job You Want. This ebook is available as a free gift at: http://www.raymondgerson.com/freeGifts_landingPage.html

How To Get The Career You Want

Watch your career take on a new form that majority will give an arm and a leg to have. We are now in the age where there is so much traffic on the road to being average, this is why most are in the average salary bracket for their chosen career. The problem is nobody wants to pay for average. Even you!
Life's Winning Formula:

“Money chases my success, I don’t chase after money”- AnonymousHow To Make Money Work For YouAs a highly successful golfer, Tiger Woods did not start out looking for money. It all started with a passion and a great deal of interest in golf. With that passion came the will to succeed based on his natural strengths and talents. By concentrating on being successful at what he was passionate and talented at doing, today, Tiger Woods is not only a highly successful golfer but one that is well paid for it. He is not paid because he wants the money, on the contrary, money follows his success. Sponsors, Opportunist, Marketers, you name it, would pay to be associated to his success. Money follows your success and not the other way round. Be successful.

Key Lessons to take from this:

1. You don’t need money to be successful.
2. Discover your passion and natural talents.
3. Become successful at using them for the benefit of others.
4. Then money will chase after your success.
5. A cookie well done is a cookie worth a bite.

If you can’t be great at being you, how can you excel at being someone else? Nobody pays for average and no one wants to settle for average. Why should you?

Average people get average salaries. Talented people who exercise and use their talents on a daily basis demand how much they get paid.

This is why famous singers, actors, footballers and designers get paid well above the average salary of the average worker.

It's nothing to do with the media, it has to do with having the ability to do something no one can get a replacement for.

RegardsFree Articles,By Keji Giwa http://www.careerinsights.tv


Keji Giwa, is an internationally recognised expert in career and personal success.Through his life changing 'How To Get The Career You Want' eWorkshop, thousands of people worldwide have been able to attain the career of their dreams while doubling and tripling their salaries at the same time.Best known as the 'Mr Motivator' of the recruitment world, his ground-breaking seminars and workshops are ‘A Must See!’Keji Giwa is a new breed of today's career coach.