Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How To Get The Career You Want

Watch your career take on a new form that majority will give an arm and a leg to have. We are now in the age where there is so much traffic on the road to being average, this is why most are in the average salary bracket for their chosen career. The problem is nobody wants to pay for average. Even you!
Life's Winning Formula:

“Money chases my success, I don’t chase after money”- AnonymousHow To Make Money Work For YouAs a highly successful golfer, Tiger Woods did not start out looking for money. It all started with a passion and a great deal of interest in golf. With that passion came the will to succeed based on his natural strengths and talents. By concentrating on being successful at what he was passionate and talented at doing, today, Tiger Woods is not only a highly successful golfer but one that is well paid for it. He is not paid because he wants the money, on the contrary, money follows his success. Sponsors, Opportunist, Marketers, you name it, would pay to be associated to his success. Money follows your success and not the other way round. Be successful.

Key Lessons to take from this:

1. You don’t need money to be successful.
2. Discover your passion and natural talents.
3. Become successful at using them for the benefit of others.
4. Then money will chase after your success.
5. A cookie well done is a cookie worth a bite.

If you can’t be great at being you, how can you excel at being someone else? Nobody pays for average and no one wants to settle for average. Why should you?

Average people get average salaries. Talented people who exercise and use their talents on a daily basis demand how much they get paid.

This is why famous singers, actors, footballers and designers get paid well above the average salary of the average worker.

It's nothing to do with the media, it has to do with having the ability to do something no one can get a replacement for.

RegardsFree Articles,By Keji Giwa http://www.careerinsights.tv


Keji Giwa, is an internationally recognised expert in career and personal success.Through his life changing 'How To Get The Career You Want' eWorkshop, thousands of people worldwide have been able to attain the career of their dreams while doubling and tripling their salaries at the same time.Best known as the 'Mr Motivator' of the recruitment world, his ground-breaking seminars and workshops are ‘A Must See!’Keji Giwa is a new breed of today's career coach.