Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Job Journeys and Beyond: A Baby Boomers Dream or Nightmare

So, you are tired of the same old job and are ready to make some changes. That seems like a pretty fair request! You've probably been doing the same job for at least a decade by now. Or maybe you've been moving around a lot just searching for that perfect one.

Either way, you know it in your heart, its time to do something different, make some changes. Maybe you could even find something you love and can be passionate about. Wouldn't that be a wonderful thing? What a novel idea!

You have heard so many times this is your time, your bonus years, and your chance to work at a job or career that is designed just for you.

So, where do you begin? Start by asking yourself some basic questions. Get yourself and pencil and paper and let's get going.

Know yourself: What are your values? Let these guide you when you choose your new work. You must be able to identify these at the beginning of your job search process.
Do I want to do something totally different, or do I want to do something that stands on the shoulders of my current career?
Do I want to work for myself or work for someone else? There advantages and disadvantages to both, so search deeply into what you believe is best for you.
Is there a hobby or something I love doing that could generate an income?
Do I need a large, medium or small pay check?
Do I know someone who is doing what I think I would like to do? Can I talk with them and ask them questions?
Will my family support me in my new endeavors? This may be more important than you think.
Do I want steady consistent hours or do I want a great deal of flexibility?
Is there a dream job that I have always had in the back of my mind, which I have always dismissed for various reasons that may now not be valid?
What are my skills? What are my strengths? What job or career will utilize what I already have within me?

You might be surprised that even this short list may provide you with some ideas and generate thoughts of new opportunities. The world may be more open to you now than ever before. Your children may be grown (or they are on their way) and your life is more your own.

You may be burnt out by your current job situation or you may be facing a lay off through your company. Choose to look at the opportunities available to you rather than the "ain't it awful" stance. You know, making lemonade out of what appears to be lemons.

Maybe you really want to make a difference in the world, and making money is not the first priority. You probably have many productive years ahead of you - so how can you put them to good use? What are you passionate about that might be helpful to others? What can you do to make a difference in your community, your state or nation or even the world? (hint: small things can make a huge difference!)

Your assignment is to really think out of the box. Look at this as another adolescent stage of life again and the world is yours for the taking. So, what is your first step? Your second?
