Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Accounting Administration Degree Review - Associate Degree Program Information

A degree in Accounting Administration will establish you as a professional in the financial reporting process. With an Associates degree in Accounting Administration you will find entry-level employment in accounting departments for corporations.

Summary of the Accounting Administration Degree Program

In a degree program focusing on Accounting Administration you will learn the skills necessary to become a team player in accounting firms worldwide. You will learn how to participate in error-free financial reporting and provide accurate accounting and bookkeeping services. Graduates will have knowledge of business finance laws, tax laws and various accounting principles and procedures. In a career as a skilled Accounting Administrator you will learn to apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a business setting.

Specific Skills You Will Learn

Students who complete an Accounting Administration Associate's Degree will develop skills in computer technology, auditing, spreadsheets, statistics and tax law. Your coursework will provide you with the foundation you need to grow into a career in management. You will become a part of a team functioning in an intensely competitive and diverse workforce. Part of your success will be your ability to flow with the rapid changes in technology.

Typical Coursework

Though coursework will vary depending on the college you choose, common areas of study in an Accounting Administration degree program include:

* Business Law
* Corporate Accounting
* Government and Non-Profit Taxation
* International Financial Management

Career Related Information

Career Fields You Will Be Prepared to Enter

In choosing to earn a degree in Accounting Administration you will be entering into a rewarding career. In 2002, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) provided the industry with a large need for professionals understanding SOX.

Occupational Outlook For Accounting Administration Degrees Including Salary Information

According to, swz.salary.com, the national annual median wage for an accounting administrator varies from $54,409 to $74,171. Your salary will depend on the size of the company and region in which you are employed. According to worldwidelearn.com careers in Accounting Management are growing.
