Friday, July 6, 2007

Medical Coding Career

Medical coding allows the insurance industry and the government, the two bodies that handle the majority of financing for the health care industry, to be able to agree to and pay for medical procedures in a simple and planned fashion. Most medical procedures that can be paid for via medical insurance are pre-agreed by the insurance industry and the AMA, and this list is the basis of the coding system. Medical procedures are recorded on the patient records, and these are then coded by professional coders and used for billing information. This billing information is passed to the insurers, and the procedure is paid for.

Most employers require coders to have a background of medical information so that they can code accurately and verify the information they receive. Increasingly employers are asking for qualifications in order for coders to enter the industry, and these are usually diplomas or certificates from one year courses, or associate degrees from two year courses. Subjects studied include anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, medical terminology, and other medical related subjects. Students learn computing, and insurance procedures – they need to be absolutely familiar with the forms that are required to be filled in detail. They also learn about the background of both the health care industry and the insurance industry.

Salaries are between $15 and $40 per hour, depending on qualifications and experience. Prospects are good, as the health service industry is expanding and will continue to do so for at least the next ten years.

Directory of Schools Offering Medical Coding Training