Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Cosmetology Career

Cosmetologists, also called hairdressers and hairstylists provide beauty services such as shampooing, cutting, styling, and coloring hair, along with scalp and facial treatments, and sometimes manicures and pedicures. They can clean and style wigs, and provide help and analysis on makeup.

All States demand that cosmetologists to be licensed, but different States have different requirements, and not all States have reciprocal agreements. Usually there is a need to graduate from a licensed school, and to complete a course in the basics of the profession. Applicants are usually required to complete a written test and demonstrate an ability to perform some basic cosmetology services.

In fact continuing education is a very important part of this profession, as fashions change and new techniques and styles develop. Cosmetologists need to keep up to date, or they find that they loose their clients. Experience is very important in this profession, and generally speaking the more experienced a cosmetologist, the better they are.

Salaried earnings including commissions on products and tips are approximately $17,700 per year. Experienced and well recognized cosmetologists may earn as much as $33,500. Many cosmetologists are self-employed, running their own businesses and even employing other people.