Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Culinary Education

Preface: This article is intended to introduce you to cooking schools and culinary institutes, and to give you a few things to think about as you investigate a culinary education and career.

Do people like your cooking? Do the dinners you serve make guests say "How lovely!" or "Mean spread, dude!"? Have you worked your way through a recipe book or two? Do people tell you that you ought to be "a chef or something"? Or do you just feel like you could really get into food and hospitality? If the answers to any of these questions are "yes," maybe you should look into attending a culinary program such as those offered by a cooking school or culinary institute.

At such a school, you can quickly master culinary techniques that took the chefs of centuries past lifetimes to create and perfect. As at other schools, you can make good friends while studying in a culinary program, but you can also learn the deeper trust and skilled interpersonal organization it takes to function as part of a team in a restaurant or hotel. If you're so inclined, you can learn how to manage such a team. You might even learn how to make dozens of new dishes well enough to dazzle your family and friendsFree Web Content, and not just your customers.


Culinary Artist - Specializes in French & Thai Cuisine
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