Saturday, May 19, 2007

Career Planning: Is it ever too soon to begin?

It apparently is not ever too early to plan for a career, considering the fact that our modern-day public schools are often forcing teens to make key education and career decisions at increasingly earlier ages—sometimes as early as 6th or 7th grade. Are our youth learning a biblical model for education and career decision making? If someone asked you how to solve career issues from a biblical perspective, could you show them how? Unfortunately, many of us would have no idea where to start—no clear process has ever been taught to us at home, at school, or in the church. What are the steps you can follow to discover how God has designed you, what His calling is for your life, and what is the spiritual nature of work?

The World’s Perspective
According to recent studies, half of the men and women who went to work this morning feel they are in the wrong career field—not just that they feel they would like a different job, but they feel they are in the wrong career altogether! Another study indicated that 52 percent of those working in the information technology field said they would rather be doing something in the liberal arts. These statistics merely reflect the fact that people base their career decision making on faulty foundations—the world’s perspective of determining a career. Some of these include choosing a job because: it pays well, it’s the first/easiest you can get, it’s offered to you, you have friends who work for the company, you’ve done that kind of job before, the job sounds good or has a good title, your parents do/did that job, or it will fulfill your parents’ unfulfilled dreams. Do any of these sound familiar? Unfortunately, they are all too familiar and the results are always the same—stress, unfulfillment, and eventual burnout.

The Biblical Perspective
Our mission at Crown Financial Ministries is to share with you the good news that we don’t have to operate under the world’s perspective of work. As Christians, we should understand that God has ordained each of us to fill a special role in His service. We have a calling…Which He has prepared for us in advance…For which He has uniquely designed us…And through this work, we can serve others, honor Him, impact the world around us, and win others to Him.

It’s never too late to teach our children about the biblical principles of work and stewardship of talents. Everyone needs a model to follow. The question is, will it be God’s or the world’s? Our youth need to be brought up with the realization that they are uniquely created by God and need to look prayerfully to Him for what His will is for their lives. It makes no difference whether they become doctors, custodians, lawyers, or preachers. What matters is whether they are following God’s will for their lives.